If you already have a work team, these tips are also for you, as they will help you to enhance the skills of your team, both individually and collectively.
Forming a successful and committed work team is one of the most important challenges that can exist in a company. Every organization must ensure that it has professionals in the right positions and provides them with the necessary resources so that they can grow and develop optimally, since without them, no project can be carried out successfully. That is why I share some keys that you must take into account when forming a work team for your company.
Keys to creating a work team
The prior analysis of the skills and abilities of each employee is key to creating a successful work team. Hence the importance of carrying out an adequate and careful recruitment process, in order to select the appropriate profile for the role that each team member will perform.
On the other hand, when a member of the team is not clear about the goals or objectives of the organization, they may feel alien to it and contribute to the work environment becoming hostile. Remember that there is no team without shared goals. In addition, each one should be clear about their responsibilities and daily tasks.
Fernando Lelo de Larrea, co-founder of the venture capital investment fund, ALLV, explains to us in the chapter “The founding team” of the audiobook “Land of Unicorns” , he explains that the best work teams are those where skills are correctly structured , strengths and values according to the company, while continuing toaside the talent and individual capabilities that each person can bring to the organization.
Another recommendation that you can apply as an entrepreneurial leader is to look for a “right hand man” who takes care of the most urgent matters when it is not possible for you, who is trustworthy and who knows in depth how the company works. This figure will be in charge of directing the team in your absence or under your instruction.
Keys to ensure success in your work team
If you already have a work team, these tips are also for you, as they will help you to enhance the skills of your team, both individually and collectively. Remember that the more consolidated a team is, the more productive and effective it becomes.
1. Build trust in your team
Trust is one of the main elements for teamwork. Make efforts to create an atmosphere where all team members know each other’s abilities, are clear about their roles, and create a synergy of mutual help.
2. Set common goals
There can be no true teamwork if there are no common goals. So you must communicate it clearly and define how each member can contribute to fulfilling them.
3. Motivate your team
Keeping your team motivated will allow you to reap greater achievements in the short and long term. To achieve this, remember to be an empathic leader with the needs of the team, comply with the delivery of bonuses, salaries and other financial contributions according to the position and responsibilities, and show yourself as a flexible person and willing to collaborate.
4. Celebrate successes
Celebrating achievements contributes to your team feeling that their efforts are valued, to team unity, if there is any gap between them, and to identify processes that worked properly. At the same time, the team is motivated to continue achieving the proposed objectives.
5. Communication
When there is optimal communication between the members of the work team, it contributes to a better work environment, processes improve and personal relationships are strengthened.
6. Be a leader
Being a good leader for your work team will help to achieve the previously established objectives. To do this, you must have a clear definition of what direction your startup is going to take , and you must be able to clearly communicate the goals and objectives to be achieved to your team, so that efforts are oriented in the right direction. Encourage positive thinking, allowing new and innovative ideas to emerge, applaud and congratulate successes and take mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth.
7. Create a sense of belonging
Human beings need to feel part of something; For this reason, the most powerful factor in team building is the development of a common identity, so you should make sure to convey the values and objectives of the company.
Remember, the higher the satisfaction with the working conditions, the higher the productivity. According to the study “Trends in the work environment in Mexico 2018”, about 49% of employees said they were satisfied at work, “while 36% expressed not feeling satisfied and 16% expressed not knowing.”
Forming a successful team is one of the most important tasks for a leader, as it is a continuous process that requires patience, constant evaluation and investment of time. Take one step at a time and start by following these tips so that you are more clear about where you will direct your efforts, give the opportunity to those people who you consider will be a good element to achieve your objectives and who you consider combine with the values of your company. Dare and take the first step.
This post is written by Pamela Valdes.
Original post link: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/390409