How can I prepare proactively for this Game Changing Challenges?
Game Changing Traits and Behaviours

With unprecedented disruptions happening, change will be the norm. The Acronym for CHANGE is Continuously Having A New Growth Experience. This will be the norm of the day.
Are you ready to change your world?
From Galileo’s vision to Da Vinci’s mechanics, Ford’s cars to Bell’s phones, Apple’s devices to Dyson’s cleaners. Markets are emerging out of the old and out of now where new possibilities, seeing things differently, thinking differently, building novel brands are capture our imagination and turning them into businesses and opportunities
We live in an incredible time. The interplay of creativity, commitment and connectivity will drive us to new growth areas and experiences, and it will be a mixture of love, passion, and profits. Exponential change and growth will only be limited by our imagination where unimagined possibilities will unfold as we start seeing new things and old things in a new way. It is almost back to the old days of cottage industries and the work smiths where value is exchanged through crude forms of physical connectivity, except now it’s not limited by physical, but virtual and digital connectivity. A period of awareness and awesomeness is in store. As in the tale of two cities – these are best of times and the worst of times. This are game changers happening from Alibaba to Zespri, Ashmei to Zidisha, Azuri and Zipars, are causing unmatched change in the world of business and work
This is a kaleidoscope of infinite possibilities each with its own business model. They all have great ideas that resonate with their target audiences at the right time and place, enabled by data and technology, but most importantly providing rich human experiences that are Anthrophillic in nature. Social networks drive reach and richness, while new business models make the possibility profitable. Our challenge is to make sense of this new world and embrace the new opportunities in a renewed mind-set.
So, the Questions is “What’s your game?” Are you playing to win, playing not to lose, just playing, not playing, or just plying and just applying for jobs? Individuals need to reset their mental model and mind set and adjust their skills, knowledge and directed energies to where it matters most. Employees need to think more along value creation and values-based leadership which in essence is Anthropologically oriented.
The role of an Anthrophillic leader is to connect with the external landscape and reality and align internal capabilities and linkages to create fit with what is desired and a feasible and viable way.
Leaders, employees, and all value creators must sense, see, and seek out the changes that are happening and move and align their skill sets and capabilities to what is needed to stay relevant and be in demand.
What will make you relevant as a talented being in this new equation?
Moving Forward Thoughts:
- Your brand is you.
- Everyone is now a Real Marketable personality and persona, instead of a HR commodity called Human Resource
- What are you doing to set yourself apart- make you uniquely valuable
- Think and Put design into everything you do- Have a Designers Mind-set first before anything
- Know what not to change (Core) – what to maintain and what to change to stay on track.
- Managing The Paradox of Management and Leadership in balancing the opposites
- Pull rather than push- engage and energise people
- Managers and leaders are not different people, but having complementary attributes in the same person.
- Think Connectivity, Connectedness and Linkage –internal and external
- Venture out and correct along the way.
Other disruptions. We will see more Individuals and independent teams working as part of a supply chain in the organisational value stream supported by Outsourcing, Insourcing, Resourcing, E-Sourcing, Multi Sourcing, etc. Business Optimization Processes and Shared Services where an Individual can serve a few companies in the HR, Finance, Sales or Marketing roles with clearly demarcated and delineated responsibility and accountabilities will be the norm. It would be output, and outcome driven rather than JD and KPI Driven. This will provide for flexibility and freedom where people become resourceful rather than just become just an expendable human resource. That will be for robots. People can re-booth and rebuild the value and contribution.
This will change the working Landscape and it would increase productivity, innovation, and multiply creative energy.
Corporate organisations may ultimately act or serve as Integrative systems and platforms for designing, deploying, and delivering outcomes and solutions
Talent will be leveraged through:
- Ideas – the power of imagination
- Being Audacious – creating ideas with attitude
- Foresight – thinking from the future back
- Ambition – finding your higher purpose
- Rethinking – seeing things differently
- Challenge the Status – by asking the right question
- Creativity – being curious and connected
We have a goal, a calling, a new beginning.
Every great journey begins here – yet too many never reach the intended destination.
We build ourselves up with fantastical stories, we pretend we have it all figured out, we let our star burn bright and hot only to fizzle out …
“Ego the Enemy” Ryan Holiday.
This post is written by our Senior Advisor, Alan Teo from this book, “Creating Winning Culture and Building Supertalent”.